Although much is said about the European scenario, which is more advanced in terms of the development of new technologies and the regulation of this type of sustainable energy, there is no doubt that Brazil's potential is infinitely greater, as it can generate up to 700 gigawatts (GW) energy and reach 100 billion dollars.

The numbers presented by the Minister of the Environment, Joaquim Leite, are bold and exciting, which was to be expected, as green hydrogen is seen as the best solution to decarbonize polluting sectors, such as steel and heavy transport, therefore it becomes the main vector to reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector in the coming years.

It is not by chance that the recent Bill 725/22 was presented on the national scene, which inserts the so-called green hydrogen in the Brazilian energy matrix, as well as establishes, among the main points, the insertion of hydrogen as an energy vector of transition for the low carbon economy and the consolidation of national hydrogen production on a competitive and sustainable basis; and obliges the addition of hydrogen at the point of delivery or point of exit in the gas pipelines, progressively, in percentages of 5% from January 2032 and 10% from January 2050.

As stated by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Paulo Alvim, green hydrogen is already a reality in Brazil. Proof of this is that Shell signed a memorandum of understanding with Prumo Logística - a partnership announced during the Global Carbon Market event - to develop a green hydrogen production project at Porto do Açu, in São João da Barra/RJ, with an initial capacity of 10 megawatts (MW), which can be expanded to 100 MW.

Rainbow hydrogen - the approach given to the gradual transition from existing hydrogen production to green hydrogen based on renewable energies - is here to stay on the national scene, and the Federal Government has bold investment objectives and, subsequently, intends to export this kind of sustainable energy. Minister Paulo Alvim also pointed out that the Government will invest more than R$100 million in a public hearing for entrepreneurs who wish to develop this type of technology.

In the end, the “goose that lays golden eggs” proves to be the best solution to decarbonize polluting sectors, impacting positively and vigorously, therefore, the carbon credits market, which, from now on, started to be regulated. There is a good move towards a sustainable energy matrix, and the big winner is the community and, above all, the environmen